We are on the other side of summer now. The days are still REALLY hot, there are stunning storms, it is darker earlier in the morning and I haven't posted a blog for months! It has been a busy season - in life as well as in the garden. I have loved my summer garden. My purple bed is beautiful and full. I had (am am still having) a great veggie harvest. Grey Hornbills came to visit and feast on the fig tree. I also realised I don't really like to do other people's garden - I am most satisfied in my own garden. Hmmm so I have lots of pretty GardenGodmother business cards.

Veggies galore. We feasted on beetroot (roa

sted and pickled), leeks (roasted and in soup), loads of red and brown onions, potatoes (baby potatoes boiled and served with butter, salt and herbs), gem squash. There are still more gems, butternuts and pumpkins. I have also just planted more onions, leeks, carrots and kale.
My purple garden is an on-going artists canvas. The dahlias were spectacular this year - they hadn't started flowering in this picture yet. I mulched with wood chips which really helped with moisture
