Friday, October 8, 2010

Precious petunias

You know I can't get enough of these little stunners. I planted mine in about July and they flowered very shyly then as the temperatures warmed up they really let loose! They don't like wet feet and love the heat!

These are a new variety from Keith Kirsten called Supertunias.
"Petunia Supertunia TM Pretty Much Picasso This Petunia plant is a must have flower that is sure to turn heads and strike up a conversation in your garden. The unique colours make this unlike any other Petunia plant. This first of a kind Petunia with bright pink blooms edged in lime-green can grow up to 24 inches accross and lasts weeks longer than any other Petunia. Performs great in baskets, containers and in the landscape. Attracts butterflies; low maintenance requirements." ex
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Angel wings

I discovered this Schizanthus wisetonesis "Angel wings" - this spring and what a find. I planted some in full sun and they are a stunning show of flowers - this picture does not justice. They like to be moist and to be fed once a month with a liquid fertilizer.
Feeding plants really does enable to reach their magnificent best.
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Gracious and gorgeous

Mimulas (Monkey Flower). Yellow and reds on one flower, deep reds, oranges, ivory. It is low growing and is growing in a semi shaded area.
The ever faithful Violas - a lovely happy little flower.
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