Thursday, November 18, 2010

More and more .....

I planted the leeks in winter and due to the few weeks of icy cold they took a long time to mature. Some of the crop is too hard even though the leeks are quite small but some are delicious. Made my Mom's Leek and Potato soup when I harvested these - this is my daughter's favourite soup.
These red onions are just beautiful in colour, smell and flavour.
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Veggies galore!

The veggie patch in full swing. Beans on the wall, cabbages in a patch and in a tyre, potatoes in the ground and in 2 tyres, melons, leeks, onions. And of course the errant gem squash trying to get out of control!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010


No pictures this time round. I am being challenged by Telkom!
The sweetpeas are finished and I will gather some of the seeds for next year. I am planning and drawing the design for the purple garden. I am going for more perennials and fewer annuals.
I have bought some stunning Dhalia bulbs and look forward to those audacious flowers in about 2 months time.
My Canterbury Bells are absolutely beautiful - some blues and some whites.
I ate a coleslaw for lunch yesterday with home grown carrots and cabbage. Tonight I made Bolognaise and used a homegrown red onion. Love it - makes me all mushy and keeps me inspired.
This week I MUST feed my Mimulas and Violas as well as the hydrangeas and roses. In fact the whole garden.
I am still be very challenged by my not so lucious grass.
Please excuse the higglety pigglety blog and jumping around of topics - this is what happens when I have a lot to say!